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There are 2 ways how to be happier:
    1. Change the situation
    2. Change your Mindset towards it

Change the way how you think & Fuel Your Mind by
Happy and Self-Empowering Thoughts!
build Happy Mindset with Anna
by following her instagram:


Instagram Account:
Happy Mind with Anna

  • Instagram



  • Why do I have to pay to access the Instagram account?

The content is Anna's intellectual property and Anna would like to keep scammers away and build an audience which is genuinely interested in having a happier life.

The one time fee of £3 to have a happier mind is less than an average cup of coffee so very affordable by anyone. 

Moreover, by a little investment you show your commitment to make a life change! :)

  • What will I get out of it?

Changing your thinking, replacing old beliefs with new happier thoughts. The idea is that you take one such transformational thought and implement it in your mind. You will try to focus on it until it becomes natural for you to think that way. You will do that ONLY with thoughts that resonate with you and are needed. No need to do it with all Anna's posts! You can move at your own pace, either to look at those which were previously posted or wait for new ones. Anna's aim is not overload it with too much content but rather give it some depth and time to process. 

  • What if I don't like the posts?

Please let Anna know your opinion. A useful and constructive feedback is always welcome, we want to grow and be happier together! :)

  • What if I decide to not follow the account?

You can simply unfollow at any point. However, for accessing/following it again, you would need to purchase it again.


Please note:

  • The content provided on our Instagram account is our intellectual property. You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.

  • All information communicated and shared are merely for entertainment and informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. It is not to be substituted for medical, psychological, legal, or any other legally recognised professional services.

  • A participant is solely responsible for creating and implementing his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of or resulting from the site activities. As such, the participant agrees that the content provider is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the content provider.

  • By purchasing this item, you are given access to content/items available for digital download, you agree to give up your right to cancel this membership purchase under EU consumer laws and the Consumer Rights Act. However, the Consumer Rights Act gives you rights to claim against the provider if your digital download is faulty.

  • Please contact us via this website (click here) if any concerns.

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