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How to improve your relationship with your child and be a happier mum?
Mums - discover your child's love language and you and your child will be happier! It can improve your relationship! My dominant love...
Wisdom of kids: Mini lesson of self-love
From my real life, one of the best lessons ever ... Every mum wants to hear that she is the most loved person in her child's eyes. Have...
My H.A.P.P.Y. happiness model - H.ome, A.ttitude, P.assion, P.eople, Y.ourself
I had an idea and have created this H.A.P.P.Y happiness model for people to remind what makes our life happier H.ome, A.ttitude,...
Are you happy? Simple Happiness Assessment
Happiness is a skill that can be learnt or improved on. The aim of this blog is to improve your happiness skill (read why happiness is a...
How to be happy/happier? Happiness is a Skill!
‘Science shows that happiness is a skill that can be learned and improved on.’ My mind immediately triggered questions: “What? Wait a...
Declutter Your Mind & Home - a miracle will happen
As trees get rid of leaves, we should get rid of stuff & thoughts which do not serve us anymore. By decluttering our Mind & Home, we will...
Map of Goals, dreams and possibilities
The vision board - Goals and Dreams can be used to visualise your main dreams, goals or possibilities. This board has pre-designed...
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